We will be adding speaker details as they become available. Sign up to receive updates on new conference speakers and other timely information.
David Clower
President and CEO
National Trust Community Investment Corporation
Preservation, Politics, and Promise with Wendell Pierce
Chris Cody
Associate General Counsel
National Trust for Historic Preservation
When Section 106 Works: The Story of the West Bank of St. John’s Parish
Sarah Cody
Historic Preservation Chief
Miami-Dade County
Creative Partnerships as a Resiliency Planning Tool for Preservation
Susan Coleman
Department of City Planning, Office of Design, City of Atlanta
Embracing Diversity and Inclusion: Insights from Atlanta’s LGBTQ+ Context Statement
Will Cook
Cultural Heritage Partners, PLLC
Local Preservation Dialogues Over Breakfast: Climate Resilience
Brian Davis
Louisiana Trust for Historic Preservation
When Section 106 Works: The Story of the West Bank of St. John’s Parish
Danielle Del Sol
Executive Director
Preservation Resource Center, New Orleans, LA
Rebirth and Resilience: The Power of Preservation, the Power of Place
Lori Ferris
Cameron MacAllister Group
Rehab Revolution Breakfast: Historic Buildings and Carbon Reduction
Adrian Scott Fine
President and CEO
Los Angeles Conservancy
Local Preservation Dialogues Over Breakfast: Climate Resilience
Rene Fransen FASLA
Fransen Mills Landscape Architect s LLC
Exploring New Orleans’ Bayou St. John and Pitot House as Cultural Landscapes
Sherry Frear
Chief of the National Register of Historic Places and National Historic Landmarks Program
National Park Service
Integrity and Inclusion: Cultivating Community
Di Gao
Senior Director of Research & Development
National Trust for Historic Preservation
"This is, was, will be Chinatown": Preservation of Cultural Communities in the United States
Ethiel Garlington
The 1772 Foundation
Rehab Revolution Breakfast: Historic Buildings and Carbon Reduction