Wanted: Grant Applicants Seeking African American Historic Preservation Funding
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 11:15 AM - 11:45 AM

This session is made possible by the African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund. To learn more, visit our Partners page.

Through significant grant programs, the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the National Park Service fuel African American historic preservation projects across the country. Join grant specialist from both funding organizations as they demystify the many African American grant programs available to you. Learn what grant program pairs best with your funding needs and tips to prepare an outstanding application.

A designated post session meet-up time will allow for one-on-one project sharing.

Funding resources included in this session: The National Trust’s African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund National Grant Program; Preserving Black Churches; HBCU Cultural Heritage Stewardship Initiative; and Black Modernism.

Funding through the National Park Service includes: African American Civil Rights Grants (for preservation and/or history), Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Underrepresented Communities, History of Equal Rights, Save America’s Treasures (for preservation and/or collections).

Location Name
Bayside B/C, Sheraton New Orleans (4th Floor)
Session Type